Fehrenbach. Holistic Sustain.

Christine Fehrenbach Brand Consulting Sustainability Fashion Design Future Creative Direction Speaker



"Empowering organisations to become a more holistic, sustainable and successful version of themselves".

We guide organisations through an holistic transformation process so that they can unleash the full potential of an authentic sustainable brand.

WHAT WE DO: We develop brands applying a new understanding of quality and real value creation.

Our main focus is always on the human aspect. Using a holistic approach, we guide companies through the entire process of transformation, from developing an identity to implementing strategies for communication, design and product. We place particular importance on the economic goals of her clients being consistent with challenges facing society. 

CHANGE: Realisation and implementation within the company also play a major role, which is why Christine Fehrenbach also accompanies the change processes on site if required. With the involvement of all employees through workshops and transformation processes.

HOW WE DO IT: Our ability to link various actors and service providers from a large network spanning business, higher education, culture and design is of particular value. By connecting people with very different perspectives and skills,we find completely new answers for businesses. 

YOUR IMPACT: The renewal of a brand is a great opportunity for companies and institutions to strongly position themselves for the future. It’s all about knowing what the customers of tomorrow will want in order to develop the best and most relevant proposals for them. 


Expertise Purpose Brand Development Quality



Vita Christine Fehrenbach

since September 2022 added Qualification systemic Transformationsdesigner

April 2020 Lecturer sustainable fashion and communication AMD Berlin https://www.amdnet.de

July 2019nd He Founder and CEO heads. Transformationsgestaltung www.heads-tg.de

January 2019:  board of Hessen Design e.V. www.hessendesign.de

January 2017 - today: Owner Christine Fehrenbach. Brand Development. Creation. Innovation. Sustainability.

January 2017 –September 2018: Brand Consultant, Creative Consultant | heine Gmbh (Otto Group),www.heine.de

January 2017 – today: Partner for the development of cradle-to-cradle projects | Beneficial Design Institute,www.bd-I.de

November 2014–November 2016: Head of Brand Development, commercial procuration, member of the executive committee | Manufactum Gmbh (Otto Group),www.manufactum.de

2014: Co-Founder | Future Frankfurt: Future Laboratory for Sustainable Design

2012–2014: Partner | Interiorpark, Platform for Sustainable Designwww.interiorpark.com

2010–2012: Owner | Zoomunited Agency, The Sustainable Advantage

2010–2013: Partner / project manager, Come Closer Forum for Sustainable Design | Museum Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt

2007–2012: Lecturer for typography, corporate design and communication design | Academy Of Visual Arts Frankfurt

2005–2006: Lecturer for typography |Hochschule Mainz 

1997–2005: Freelance creative director for national and international advertising agencies 

1995–1997: Creative director | Lintas Frankfurt

1989–1995: Art director | Leo Burnett Frankfurt |www.leoburnett.com



Qualification as a transformation consultant. www.transformationsdesign.de

Executive Programme Otto Group. Agile Leadership. Design Thinking. Positioning.

Studies Communication Design | Rheinmain University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden
Graduate designer Hochschule Rheinmain Wiesbaden

Apprenticeship as a photographer, graduated as a professional photographer


Markenentwicklung Marketing Innovation cradle to cradle Circular Economy Brand Development Kreation